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Let us help you

your story


We build impactful stories by viewing the world through your target group's eyes. We believe that understanding people's perspectives is the first step to sustainable change.

Do you recognize this?

Your product or service is not yet catching on or achieving the desired result.


You wonder how to communicate to people to get them on board with your (sustainable) initiative.


You want to know what a target group needs regarding a certain issue.


In that case, your first step will be to understand how your target group perceives and experiences the world.

People at Local Market

How we can help

With a deeper understanding of your target audience, your product, service or initiative will become not just for, but from your target audience. Through qualitative research, we help you to understand the world through your target group's eyes, We do this with the scientific method Ethnography.

Target group analysis

In Target group analysis we learn about the needs and perceptions of your target group in relation to your product, service or initiative.


The main focus in this research is Online Participatory Observation. We delve into discussion forums, articles, similar initiatives and/or brands. With this, we outline the framework you should use to make your social impact.


Example of target group analysis



  • ​In een doelgroepenanalyse brengen we de belevingswereld van jouw doelgroep in kaart.

  • Om een dieper begrip te ontwikkelen over de groep waarvoor of waarmee je iets wil bereiken. Om jouw product, dienst of initiatief beter te laten aansluiten bij de gewenste doelgroep.

  • Kenmerkend voor deze dienst is de participerende observatie online. We verdiepen ons in forums, artikelen, gelijke initiatieven en/of merken. En analyseren voor jou waar je op moet letten als je jouw doelgroep wil bereiken.

Field Research

The 'field', in this case, is where your target audience is (often) located. A field research can take place in a school, in the workplace or in a neighborhood.

This research focuses on the participation in an environment. We observe human behavior, interview, and, where possible, search for answers together with the target group
Example of field research

In an interview research, we explore an issue in depth with your target group.


This service is suitable when you are in direct contact with your target group and wish to better understand their thoughts, feelings and opinions around an (sensitive) issue.


Example of an interview research

Interview Research



Holistic approach


The Holistic approach looks at an issue, theme or situation in an all-encompassing manner. This requires an open mind to various perspectives and the use of all your senses.


In this workshop, you and your colleagues will practice the holistic approach. This exercise is useful when, as a team, you want to explore an issue and wish to broaden your perspectives.


Example of this workshop

People Walking

People's  experiences with Anthroconsult



"We are very happy with the research that Anthroconsult has done for us. It has helped us to identify the core values of our target group and to better understand the way they make their pruchase choices. We recommend anyone who wants to strengthen the connection and interaction with their target group, to contact Anthroconsult."


Achilles and the Tortoise


Find your answer

  • What is anthropology and why is it an important part of Anthroconsult?
    Anthropology is the study of humanity. And also the lens through which Anthroconsult operates. Anthropologists study the way people experience the world around them and how they behave in it. In other words, we study culture. As people, we constantly learn all kinds of behaviors, manners and ways of speaking. In doing so, we form our vision of life, wishes, concerns, beliefs and feelings. And all this contributes to the way we perceive the world around us and to the meaning of relationships with other people. Our views are constantly changing depending on the environment we live in and the people around us. Culture is an unconscious process between people and environmental factors. We are not always aware of why we do what we do and where our behavior comes from. Anthropologists have the unique Ethnography toolbox with which they develop a deeper understanding of humans and their behavior in social environments. Anthroconsult believes that initiatives only have an impact when we delve into the perception of an initative's target group. By means of ethnography, Anthroconsult translates the world of experience of your target group to your initiative. Through this, solutions will arise that match the wishes, concerns and beliefs of your target group. In this way, strong stories that connect people can be built.
  • What does 'Anthroconsult' stand for?
    Anthro stands for Anthropology. Translated from Greek, anthropology means 'the study of people'. Consult stands for 'consulting' or 'advising'. The name therefore stands for the service we offer: consulting through the study of people. We immerse ourselves in the perception of a group of people. Thereafter, we translate the wishes, concerns, questions and behavior of your target group into advice for your initiative.
  • What is the vision of Anthroconsult?
    Anthroconsult believes in the power of the 'the perspective of the other'. We can always assume that we know less than we think. That we don't fully understand another yet. We can only develop that understanding, if we delve into someone else's perspective. To learn how someone experiences the world and why they experience it that way. Through this, we will discover that a human being is quite complex and diverse. Therefore, it is difficult to draw a judgment or conclusion about another person or a group of people. What we can do, is to discover the diversity of human nature and develop a deeper understanding for each other. That is the vision through which Anthroconsult operates. Anthropologists know that culture is always subject to change. It is not fixed. And that is good news. It means we can actively change when old behaviors are no longer functional. Many manners we have developed today, are not sustainable for the well-being of humans, animals and nature. And humankind is still the number 1 cause of the social crises, including the climate crisis, that we encounter in the world. That is why Anthroconsult believes that change starts with understanding people and their behavior. With a deeper understanding, we will discover new paths and gain the courage to walk them.
  • What method does Anthroconsult use?
    The umbrella term for the methods used by Anthroconsult is Ethnography. Ethnography is based on holism. This means: research in which you try to achieve a detailed and comprehensive description of the perception of a target group or target groups. To describe the way people experience the world around them, we focus on: What people know (methods: such as interviews, surveys, small talk) What people do (methods: participant observation, participant appraisal) What people make and use: the material culture (methods: document research, participant observation) Researcher's reflection (methods: diary and feedback from the target group) Based on your question, we will draft a research proposal. In this proposal, we will customize the methods mentioned above for your research question. The research can be conducted both offline and online. In the latter case you call this a Netnography, in which we gather information through forums and websites.
  • What does a research from Anthroconsult look like?
    Learn about how we work through reading the Anthro stories on our website. After all, stories say more. In our research for you we follow the steps below: Steps in Anthroconsult's research: Intake: we will talk to you to clarify the question you have. Maybe you don't know exactly what your question is yet, in that case we will discover it together. During the intake we also discuss the possibilities of the research. Such as: is participant observation possible at your location or is an interview research more desirable? Can the research also be (partly) online? Which key informants do you already know? Research proposal. Based on your question, we formulate a proposal for the research. We will decide which ethnographic methods are suitable for the research question. We will then discuss this the proposal with you including the price. Execution of research when you give us the green light, we conduct the research independently. We will also schedule moments of feedback during the research period. Result In most cases, the result is a concise and playful report that you can use to create a stronger story for your initiative and to connect with your target group. This report will give you insight into the diversity of your target group and the things you need to keep in mind when approaching your group. The report gives you direct advice from the target group with whom you want to achieve something. If a workshop or knowledge meeting is more appropriate for your question, this can also be the result of the research.
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